SAVI Input from Executive Advisory Group
SAVI Workshop – March 3rd & 4th, 2020
A Implementation Planning workshop was held for the Stewardship of Antimicrobials by Veterinarians Initiative (SAVI) project in Ottawa on March 3rdand 4th of 2020.
The objective of the four-year SAVI project is to expand on other recent initiatives and enhance veterinary stewardship and decision-making via the generation, collation and sharing of antimicrobial use (AMU) stewardship guidance and tools focused on further optimizing AMU, and the implementation of a sustainable AMU data collection and knowledge transfer system employing electronic prescription and dispensing information.
The purpose of the Implementation Planning workshop was to present proposed approaches to the AMU stewardship and AMU data collection workstreams for input and validation, as well as solicit feedback on proposed messaging, branding, and communications content as we move towards implementation.
Over thirty participants representing veterinary species groups as well as key stakeholders within government, industry, and academia contributed to group work activities, participated in panel discussions and received updates on project progress via workshop presentations. Outputs from this workshop will be incorporated into updated SAVI project planning processes and documentation.
This project was made possible due to a federal contribution by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) AgriAssurance programme with additional support from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and is scheduled to be completed by March 31st, 2023.